25kV BCH Upgrade Feasibility Study

Beva Brewing and Blending

Lotus Flower Boutique

87.12kW Solar Roof Design

Securiguard Head Office

50.73kW Solar Roof Design

Commercial Base Building & 5 Tennant Improvements

Windfall Cider

Cultivated Food Labs Pilot Plant

VT Engineering designed a comprehensive kitchen pilot plant which included both open and enclosed office spaces, a large commercial kitchen, and a pilot plant for this exciting company who is making and researching new ways to deliver plant based foods to the market.
28,000 sqft Norland Ltd Office

On this design/building project for NorLand Ltd’s new office space, VT Engineering designed a completely new office space including a comprehensive LED lighting package using adjustable lighting fixtures and Lutron Vive wireless lighting controls to meet ASHRAE 90.1 requirements. A complete building power distribution assessment was performed.